Our Retreat
Enhance all aspects of your inner and outer physical, mental, and emotional health.
2023 is a time for the new "You"!
Exercise is the miracle cure we've always had, but for too long we've neglected to take our recommended dose. Our health is now suffering as a consequence. Whatever your age, there's strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life.
The Grounds
Explore 19 acres of beautifully manicured secret gardens, with large ponds full of fish and frogs and tranquil miniature waterfalls. During your relaxation time, a walk on these grounds offers an abundance of spots to relax and lose yourself in your thoughts as you take in the calming surroundings. In the evening, we will gather around the fire pit. Reconnecting with nature will happen, quite simply, naturally.
All equipment provided – all you need to bring is a mat and water. Whether it’s 4kg weight or a 30kg sandbag, we’ll have it ready for you. We will take you on a transformational journey to re-discover and enhance your inner joy to help you to detoxify and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Balance your hormones, boost your immune system, decrease allergies, lose weight, increase vitality and leave you glowing inside and out.
The Saloon
Everyone hangs out in the Saloon, a Scandinavian -style lounge-diner. One end of the room has lovely big sofas and a log burner where one can chill, read and chat while at the other end is a dining area with tables and a help-yourself kitchen area.
No matter your experience, here in our community, you’ll find people you can relate to. It’s a space where you can truly open up without feeling judged or stigmatised.

Enhance Your Inner Joy
Being part of the community means you have the chance to contribute in meaningful ways, something which builds self-worth while reducing loneliness and isolation. You’ll develop skills for navigating boundaries and supporting others while being supported yourself – all valuable resources that you can take back to your daily life.